Monday, December 3, 2018

Week 2 of Good Fortune mystery!  I am deep into knitting a sweater for a Christmas gift and took some time away to work on some of the blocks for the 2nd clue.  I used my Singer 201 to sew through these.  She still is a looker and can she sew!  She purrs as she sews...I like how quiet she sews and what a powerhouse too.   I changed out her light bulb and inserted a new fancy led light.  She put up a good fight, but eventually the light bulb let loose. 

I purchased this little table surround about 10 years ago and I don't if Matt is still in business.  I found him while perusing through the internet looking for such a table.  It also fits my Singer Featherweight and my Singer 99.  I haven't tried my Singer 301.  I bet it fits that bed too.

Here's how you can join us as Bonnie Hunter shares her mystery quilt with the world..


  1. Nice. I love my 221. If I find a 201 I hope she purrs as well as yours does.

  2. Beautiful machine, and very nice looking mystery units.


Indigo Way quilt mystery

It's the last day of 2023.  This was a rough year for my family.  We lost four close family members starting in January, May, July, and ...