Saturday, November 26, 2016

I thought I didn't sew much this quarter, but I have.  I have been working on bits and pieces anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes chunks of sewing time.  I have also been attending a local quilt group on Thursday evenings and have tried to work on some of my projects.  Here are some pictures of what I've completed thus far.

I made a few more blocks from Leah Day's block of the month project.  I have to pin quilt them and start free motion quilting.  I am a bit behind, I will catch up.

I also made 4 more pot holders.  They are cute and look just like pies!

I made a Lazy girl bag using the 'Acoma' turtle fabric.  I love it!  This is going to be a Christmas gift for Mom.

Bonnie Hunter's En Provence quilt mystery....
Well, I've started!  I've sewn together the 4 patch blocks and have spun the seams.  I need 190 more!  I have pinned them together in numbers of 10 for easier counting...just as Bonnie has suggested.  I need more neutrals (I really don't, but it's fun to shop).
En Provence...step 1


I love my new ironing board cover!  I made this about a month ago.  I also added another layer of cotton batting.

Friday, November 25, 2016

Whoohoooo!  Bonnie has our first clue up!  What beautiful colors!  I can hardly wait to start.  I bought some beautiful majenta fabric from a new quilt store here in town.  This store is so big and has many beautiful bolts of fabric and a wide variety at that.  I went back this past week and found more and left with a big smile and another bag project's worth to sew.

The link to her mystery is on the right top hand corner!  Have fun!

Difficult years

 Well, it has been a tough year.  So long 2024 and welcome 2025.   We lost several family members…my mother-in law…January 2023, Mom in May ...