Sunday, December 13, 2015

On to step 3 of the Allietare mystery.  Here is my version.  I didn't have the golds that I thought I had.  I guess that means I need to shop for more golds to replace what I've used.  On to the quilt shop I go....
I've finished 60 4-patch; I'll wait to finish the last with the golds I plan to purchase on Monday.

I'm wondering how the blocks are going to be pieced together.  On top of the patchwork, we also were directed to cut more squares and rectangles.  I think the half square triangles from step 1 could be a part of Bonnie's trademark borders.

Back to Bonnie...


  1. This is so fun!!! I'm glad I'm sticking to it this year!!! Think you might be right on the half square triangles ... We will see::

  2. I am thinking this quilt will have plain has been a long time since one did, lol but who knows with Bonnie!

  3. Pretty 4-patches! We are all wondering how these bits will go together. Bonnie keeps us guessing!


Indigo Way quilt mystery

It's the last day of 2023.  This was a rough year for my family.  We lost four close family members starting in January, May, July, and ...