Monday, November 30, 2015

Allietare has begun!   I started with my Viking Designer machine, but I was frustrated with the automatic presser foot lift raiser, so I moved to my Singer 401a.  I was able to sew quickly with the presser foot in the down position.
Here's my first set of patchwork.


  1. Sorry to hear that you were having trouble with your other machine. Looks like you made good progress on the Singer after making the switch!

  2. I have a fancy Viking too and have found I much prefer my Singer Featherweight or 99! Glad you are joining the mystery!

  3. That's a wonderful machine you have..they never let you down.

  4. Great Going! ! Can't wait to see it done!!!


Difficult years

 Well, it has been a tough year.  So long 2024 and welcome 2025.   We lost several family members…my mother-in law…January 2023, Mom in May ...