The piecing begins with another mystery...sewing with Bonnie Hunter of Quiltville. Here is the link to help you get started.
I have gathered my fabrics and printed up my clue. I love her mysteries. I know that I have become a better piecer using her techniques. I have fallen in love with scrap quilts, just like my Grandmother. Grandma used what ever fabrics she had. I remember many of her fabric pieces used after she finished her dresses, skirts, and tops. She also used Grandpa's torn and worn denim jeans; she made herself a denim apron worthy to keep up with her as cleaned and carded sheep's wool for her weaving.
Grandma Bekisbah was also a Navajo weaver. She started with shearing her sheep all the way to dyeing her wool, then creating the intricate patterned rugs. Grandpa tried to make it easier for her and purchased store yarn at the local discount stores or at Navajo Shopping center in Gamerco, NM. She still preferred making her own yarn. This is a lost art as I did not trek alongside her as she picked the various plants for dyeing. I watched and practiced all the other steps, but have not taken up weaving. My cousins and my daughter have taken weaving classes at our local university and are weaving simple designs. My cousins of Table Mesa are artists and have sold rugs.
Let's get started with this year's mystery! Bonnie shares her instructions for a limited time, so it's best to save and/or print the instructions. I have my own specific drive files with her past mysteries.